Sunday 5 April 2015


Happiness is something for which every person is striving. Everything we do, we do it to attain happiness. A child studies hard, to see his parents happy, to be appreciated because that gives him happiness. A person works to earn, to fulfill his own needs, the needs of his family because that makes him happy.
But, looking closely, does this happiness lasts forever... NO
Because "Happiness is an inside job" ~William Arthur Ward

But, we on the opposite side have created our own definitions of happiness. Wondering how?
From a child, If i get this toy, it will make be happy
to a teenager, If i get good scores, it will make me happy
to an adult, If i buy a car, it will make me happy
to an old, If i see my children settled, it will make me happy.
We have been conditioned to this belief.
Everyone of us have objectified our happiness, depending it on what is outside, seeking it in objects, in people developing a notion that it's natural and automatic. Same way,

  • fear-natural
  • anger-natural
  • being tensed-natural
  • happiness-in a while-natural????
Nothing is automatic, it is a matter of choice, your choice, My choice. It is our choice to be angry, sad tensed or to be happy. It is our responses to the situations and to the people.

Suppose, you are with the person you love the most. You say he/she makes me happy.And, out of the blue, you get a phone call informing of something gone terribly wrong at your work place. Instantly, you are tensed, worried and sad. If your happiness was really defined by that person it would have been still there, but it's not. Because another object i.e., work has over ruled and now that object defines your mood to be worried.

If happiness was to be outside, we would have been happy long ago at some stage of life. but the truth is, in the run of finding happiness outside and postponing it, we have all been missing on the happiness which comes from within us, the bliss.

Next time you are wondering why you are not feeling happy, look within...remember objects give you comfort but what gives you happiness is YOU. Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything. So, make a choice and just choose to be happy ^_^