Monday 11 July 2016

I Wish ??

Today i came across some lines that made me thinking "Damn!! i should have done that"

[ It's better to look back on life and say, "I can't believe i did that," than to look back and say, "I wish i did that." ]

I bet while reading above lines, you too had a throwback of events where you could have chosen to do what your heart screamed of "Do it! Do it!" but...yes the "BUT" didn't, i didn't, everyone at some point didn't. It could be as small a thing, say you are to give a speech but you have stage fear so instead you back out just because you think you can't do it. Or as big as choosing to pursue what you love to do as a career but instead you choose to chase the rat race just because you think you won't be successful.

Killing what you desire to do, or fearing you are not capable enough is no way of knowing whether you will make it or not. If you are now at a stage of life where you think you played safe, think you could have been on a better stage if you would have shown a little courage and belief in yourself...and when i say "Belief" it is a really big word and has an even bigger impact if YOU start BELIEVING in YOURSELF. It can really turn tables.


Walking on the road less taken, there will be hurdles, there will be awkward situations, people will doubt, you may even think of giving up but...yes there is always a BUT, the KEY is to Keep beliEving Yourself and believe when others are doubting and dare to prove them wrong. Imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart and achieve with all your might because


It is never too late to make choices. After all it is not about adding years to life but life to years. So, go ahead, do what you love, dream and chase them till they come true, make it a memorable one so that when you look back you say, "I can't believe i did that".

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