Sunday 17 July 2016

Let Go

"When you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life"

There are bad times when you think nothing could go any worse or nothing could go any better. There are memories harsh enough to throw them out of your brain that constantly haunts you day and night. There are people you loved whom you never want to forget and some so hated who are just impossible to forget. There are fears engulfing you in its claws and clinging on to your mind. There are so many many things we hold on to and never let them go or just do not realise that we are still letting them be a part of our lives.

And what does it gives us in return. Sadness, stress, depression, diseases, failure, bad luck, a closed mind and heart, anger, hatred and what not. Heavy words no? Even speaking of these words makes my brain heavier o.O . Now point is Life is a one time chance. And if you get to live for one day would you live it with stress on your mind or with grudges in your heart or with fear in your thoughts. I don't think so. At least i won't. Everybody would make the best of their every second to love and explore. You would cherish what you have got than regretting what you could have instead. You would recall happy memories that makes you smile than thinking of bitter ones which brings nothing but sadness. You would be more busy loving people who matter than hating people who don't. You would do things you want to do than fearing you would fail. 

So why not do it every day and live like its our last and just let go.

Because when you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life. You create space for better times, for better memories, for better people, for better adventures, and they are worth letting go of things that can only let you forget what you really are and capable of. They make you timid in every manner. LET GO

Life can never be a bed of roses so learn to enjoy the thorns. "When we long for life without difficulty, remind us that oaks grow strong under contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure  ~Peter Marshall". And life is all about change so flow with the change. It will lead you to the right shore or maybe not, but eventually it would. 

P.S. This could be your last day ;) Happy Living 

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