Wednesday 27 July 2016

Be Your Arnold

"A Bird Sitting On A Tree Is Never Afraid Of The Branch Breaking, Because Her Trust Is Not On The Branch But On Its Wings"

This is something beeeeeeeeautiful. And beautiful are all those people living as an example who believed in no one but themselves. One of them being ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER. Yes our very own inspiration not only to bodybuilders but to everyone who believe in themselves. His dream was a struggle and he a chaser. Listening to him and his rules, there could be no better understanding to the quote shared. 

Yes, ladder to success, to your dreams starts with this very first and most important rule. In fact not complicated where we keep listening to advice of our parents, relatives, friends, enemies (unknowingly sometimes :p ). All you have got to do is dig deep into your heart and listen to what it says and follow your instincts. Figure out what makes you happy :) yeah that big smile or even bigger :D . And if you don't believe in yourself, then who will.

It may sound crazy to people, or at times to yourself too, thus pulling you back. But, remind yourself, "do i want to be like everyone??". Be different, be you. Real fun is not in trying to be someone, but in being yourself. And if you have got to do what people think is crazy, you need to have guts to break some rules that stop you from being you. Break the rules but not the law.

Once you got started, stop being afraid to fail. Rather be willing to fail. Fail, fall, get up again and repeat. Arnold's goal was to become the greatest bodybuilder in the world. He failed but he came back with a bang, winning and becoming the youngest ever Mr. Olympia at the age of 23, a record he still holds to this day. Who knows you too can set records ;)

You will always find these species "the naysayers" on your way to success, constantly whispering to you "u can't u can't u can't". But you know what,

Even kill that sound in your head warning you of your failure. Failure will only cost you learning. So take your chance.

Work hard, as hard as you can, push yourself, keep increasing your limits and leave no stone unturned because success comes with a price, the price of hard work. 
"I don't count my sit ups, I only start counting when it starts hurting, when I feel pain, that's when I start counting, cause that's when it really counts." 
                                                                                                                           ~Muhammad Ali 

Always find time to give something back to your community, because reaching out and helping people will bring you more satisfaction than anything else you have ever done. 


Sunday 17 July 2016

Let Go

"When you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life"

There are bad times when you think nothing could go any worse or nothing could go any better. There are memories harsh enough to throw them out of your brain that constantly haunts you day and night. There are people you loved whom you never want to forget and some so hated who are just impossible to forget. There are fears engulfing you in its claws and clinging on to your mind. There are so many many things we hold on to and never let them go or just do not realise that we are still letting them be a part of our lives.

And what does it gives us in return. Sadness, stress, depression, diseases, failure, bad luck, a closed mind and heart, anger, hatred and what not. Heavy words no? Even speaking of these words makes my brain heavier o.O . Now point is Life is a one time chance. And if you get to live for one day would you live it with stress on your mind or with grudges in your heart or with fear in your thoughts. I don't think so. At least i won't. Everybody would make the best of their every second to love and explore. You would cherish what you have got than regretting what you could have instead. You would recall happy memories that makes you smile than thinking of bitter ones which brings nothing but sadness. You would be more busy loving people who matter than hating people who don't. You would do things you want to do than fearing you would fail. 

So why not do it every day and live like its our last and just let go.

Because when you let go, you create space for better things to enter your life. You create space for better times, for better memories, for better people, for better adventures, and they are worth letting go of things that can only let you forget what you really are and capable of. They make you timid in every manner. LET GO

Life can never be a bed of roses so learn to enjoy the thorns. "When we long for life without difficulty, remind us that oaks grow strong under contrary winds and diamonds are made under pressure  ~Peter Marshall". And life is all about change so flow with the change. It will lead you to the right shore or maybe not, but eventually it would. 

P.S. This could be your last day ;) Happy Living 

Tuesday 12 July 2016


"Beauty Is What You Feel About Yourself   Not About What You See In The Mirror"

This is something i came across today and i felt like writing a lot about it because personally somewhere i always thought i was not beautiful. Yep every person wants to look beautiful and with acne on my face i barely felt like facing somebody, talking openly or even looking into the mirror would drastically drop my confidence. Convincing myself that looks don't matter was a hard task when some people around you judge you by how you look. But, i finally realised that it is simply a thing in my mind that makes me feel ugly or not attractive and not how people see me. I could go on and on on this but i feel i need not to say much. All you have to do and must do(else you gonna miss something great) is watch this video i once saw on YouTube and you will start loving yourself no matter how you look.

Hope you saw it. Now the concern that how people see you is no longer a matter of concern. Cheers!!! ^_^ and what you think of yourself ??? Well come sing with me d^_^b

I'm beautiful in my way
'Cause God makes no mistakes
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way
Don't hide yourself in regret
Just love yourself and you're set
I'm on the right track, baby
I was born this way

Truly God can never make mistakes and let us not doubt his creation too. Just Love yourself adore yourself whether tall or short or chubby or lean...... Be a good mind a good heart and a good soul because what is inside you is what reflects outside you. Boost yourself with immense confidence. Carry yourself with respect. This is what people are actually attracted to, to your personality.

P.S.(For all the pretty ladies ;D) Studies reveal men are smitten with an unadorned face which  radiates more confidence, is appealing, an thus is more attractive. Now that's a thing to take note of :P 

Monday 11 July 2016

I Wish ??

Today i came across some lines that made me thinking "Damn!! i should have done that"

[ It's better to look back on life and say, "I can't believe i did that," than to look back and say, "I wish i did that." ]

I bet while reading above lines, you too had a throwback of events where you could have chosen to do what your heart screamed of "Do it! Do it!" but...yes the "BUT" didn't, i didn't, everyone at some point didn't. It could be as small a thing, say you are to give a speech but you have stage fear so instead you back out just because you think you can't do it. Or as big as choosing to pursue what you love to do as a career but instead you choose to chase the rat race just because you think you won't be successful.

Killing what you desire to do, or fearing you are not capable enough is no way of knowing whether you will make it or not. If you are now at a stage of life where you think you played safe, think you could have been on a better stage if you would have shown a little courage and belief in yourself...and when i say "Belief" it is a really big word and has an even bigger impact if YOU start BELIEVING in YOURSELF. It can really turn tables.


Walking on the road less taken, there will be hurdles, there will be awkward situations, people will doubt, you may even think of giving up but...yes there is always a BUT, the KEY is to Keep beliEving Yourself and believe when others are doubting and dare to prove them wrong. Imagine with all your mind, believe with all your heart and achieve with all your might because


It is never too late to make choices. After all it is not about adding years to life but life to years. So, go ahead, do what you love, dream and chase them till they come true, make it a memorable one so that when you look back you say, "I can't believe i did that".

Sunday 5 April 2015


Happiness is something for which every person is striving. Everything we do, we do it to attain happiness. A child studies hard, to see his parents happy, to be appreciated because that gives him happiness. A person works to earn, to fulfill his own needs, the needs of his family because that makes him happy.
But, looking closely, does this happiness lasts forever... NO
Because "Happiness is an inside job" ~William Arthur Ward

But, we on the opposite side have created our own definitions of happiness. Wondering how?
From a child, If i get this toy, it will make be happy
to a teenager, If i get good scores, it will make me happy
to an adult, If i buy a car, it will make me happy
to an old, If i see my children settled, it will make me happy.
We have been conditioned to this belief.
Everyone of us have objectified our happiness, depending it on what is outside, seeking it in objects, in people developing a notion that it's natural and automatic. Same way,

  • fear-natural
  • anger-natural
  • being tensed-natural
  • happiness-in a while-natural????
Nothing is automatic, it is a matter of choice, your choice, My choice. It is our choice to be angry, sad tensed or to be happy. It is our responses to the situations and to the people.

Suppose, you are with the person you love the most. You say he/she makes me happy.And, out of the blue, you get a phone call informing of something gone terribly wrong at your work place. Instantly, you are tensed, worried and sad. If your happiness was really defined by that person it would have been still there, but it's not. Because another object i.e., work has over ruled and now that object defines your mood to be worried.

If happiness was to be outside, we would have been happy long ago at some stage of life. but the truth is, in the run of finding happiness outside and postponing it, we have all been missing on the happiness which comes from within us, the bliss.

Next time you are wondering why you are not feeling happy, look within...remember objects give you comfort but what gives you happiness is YOU. Be happy, not because everything is good, but because you can see the good in everything. So, make a choice and just choose to be happy ^_^